Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stage Fort Park, Gloucester, MA

Decent place for a drive and seafood dinner.
One of the cannons overlooking the Harbor.

The cannons are behind this large rock mass.

The cannons would be to the top left corner.

It is a nice half mile walk on the boulevard from the park area to the center of Gloucester. The smell of fresh bread was great. There is no longer that fish smell in the afternoon on the water front as I remember 20 years ago. Good place to take a walk and have dinner. If you are lucky, there might be a little league game at one of the 2 baseball diamonds at the park. There is even an ice cream and fried food joint close to one of the water.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Stavros Reservation in Essex, MA

Took  a short hike in rural Essex MA. It lasted all of about a half an hour. There's a easy trail up a hill to an old powder house. The door is on the side opposite the sea and Hog Island.

High Tide in the Essex River and Ipswich Bay. Crane's Beach is out that way. Maybe a little more to the left. It was 70 today and that road was busy.
Hog Island; I heard it was used for a movie site a few years ago.