Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mount Major 4-24-10

Mount Major overlooks Lake Winnipesaukee and is located on Route 11, about 17 miles from Route 16.
Summit of Mount Major, elevation 1786 feet. Considered an easier hike - kid friendly.
I'm nowhere near being fit and trim. I've hiked it before, figured I wasn't ready for a real challenge and its good for building up endurance.
 Scenic View between Mt. Major and Alton Bay

My friend and I took the Main Trail which was marked with "blue blazes". As you can see, I'm not quite fit or trim. The temperature was in the mid 50s and I wasn't overly sweaty or exhausted.
Almost to the top of Mt. Major.

Made it. If the picture below is enlarged (by clicking on it), you will see a snow covered peak just off the center. I believe that is Mount Washington.

This is the only man made structure at the top. It helps block the wind. It was a little chilly.

This U.S Geological Survey marker is located behind the remains of the stone building. Coincidentally, it was being hidden by a bull dogs behind. A warm place to sit?

Dogs are allowed. Saw many. Wish I had that bull dogs energy.

You can barely see the parking lot. That light spot by the pine tree. Started the hike around 8:30, hung around the top for about an hour and returned the same way at about 11:30. I had a great burger at the Olde Bay Diner in Alton Bay and drove 2 hours home. That burger was almost worth the trip.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Patriots Day weekend

For Patriots Day weekend, my family and I took a trip to New York. On the way, we stopped at the aquarium in Mystic Connecticut. This is a quick shot of a beluga whale. I just realized how much my reflection sticks out. Picture taken 4/18/2010

This picture was taken on Monday, 4/19/2010.
It was crowded that day. It might have had something to do with Spring Break.